产品中心 / 芯片/ 无线通信/ 低噪声放大器/ ATF62227-11

详情-ATF65200-11 @2x


2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n Low Noise Amplifier Front-End

The ATF62227-11 is a low noise amplifier (LNA) designed for Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n systems. The integrated input and output 50Ω match minimizes layout area in the customer’s application, reduces the bill of materials and manufacturability cost. Performance is focused on a balance of low noise and gain that increases the receive sensitivity.
The ATF62227-11 integrates a bypass path that enables a defined gain step. The device is provided in a 6-pin, 1.6mm x 1.6mm x 0.5mm DFN package.

Key Features

Frequency range: 2.4 - 2.5 GHz

Supply Voltage : 5 V

LNA Gain: 15 dB

Noise Figure: 1.6 dB

LNA IP1dB:-1dBm

Bypass Loss: 6 dB

Input and Output Matched to 50 Ω

Integrated 5 GHz Rejection Filter

6 Pin 1.6 x 1.6 mm DFN Package


Wireless Routers

Access Points

Residential Gateways

Customer Premise Equipment

Internet of Things


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